Monday, November 05, 2007

What Up Dog!

Every once in a while, I stumble on something that sounds like a can't miss idea. In the '80s, we had the Smokeless Ashtray and the Pocket Fisherman (different than pocket pool).

This evening, I found 2007's equivalent to these. The Humping Dog. That's right, a USB Humping Dog. Just plug it in to a free USB slot and he (I assume it's a male - seems logical) goes to town. It's just the thing for your office if you're unhappy with your current job.

To the manufacturers, I'd offer one small suggestion.. As it is now, it just humps. Hump, hump, hump. Why not use 'dog for something else - make it a Bluetooth adapter for example. Maybe he can howl whenever a headset pairs with him.

Or make him a memory stick - the faster data gets written, the more he humps. When the memory stick fills up, he falls over, exhausted. Good puppy.

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