Thursday, April 05, 2007

What did your mother say?

In a move right out of "Growing Up - 101", President Bush appointed Sam Fox (not to be confused with Samantha Fox, nor oooh baby, Samantha Fox) as our ambassador to Belgium.. We all did this as kids; you know you did, don't deny it. You wanted something and you asked your mother; she said no, so you went and asked your father, without telling him your mother had already said no.

I imagine the dialog went something like this:
Georgie: Karl, what do you think - we need to fill that Belgian ambassadorship post
Karl: It's a no-brainer G, Sam Fox. We owe him one for that Swift Boat thing
Georgie: Oh, right, what a great idea! But no one in Congress likes him
Karl: All part of my plan. Remember what we did with John Bolton? We're gonna do the same thing
Georgie: Bolton? The singer? Isn't he, uhm, you know, one of them?
Karl: No, not him. John Bolton. He was our UN ambassador for a while. We waited til Congress was recessed and then he just slid right in.
Georgie: Karl, you're a genius! What did I ever do without you!
We all outgrew it. Well, most of us anyway. Did you stick your tongue out at Congress and say "nah nah nah, I got my way ha ha ha" when you made the appointment Mr President? You're not setting a very good example for our future soldiers children.


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