Monday, March 12, 2007

New Phishing Trip

I just got the coolest email, claiming to be from eBay. It came from "petevz" (probably not his real name):
Hello, I already sent you the money via paypal. What happened ? Please let me know. Have a nice day.
I'm having a nice day, thanks for being concerned Pete. But, the thing is, I never sold anything to you. The only thing I think I could sell you is a clue. you, do you need a clue? I can let you have one, on the cheap. Send me another email if you do - one for yes, two for no maybe? Yeah, we'll be all spy-like and stuff.. Cool man!

Pete's note included a big yellow "Respond Now" button - which led to, not surprisingly, an eBay sign on window, but the server itself was located in Bogota, Colombia. I remember reading the other day that some people at eBay were moving, but I had no idea they were moving that far! Does moving to South America count as offshoring?


At 6:54 PM, Blogger Arcade Fever said...

I sometimes respond to phishing scams with usernames and passwords that tell the hackers how utterly stupid they are.


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