Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Another one bites the dust

Well, it's happened again, another coworker is moving on to greener pastures. It's a shame really, he was a great guy to work with. He knew just about everything about everything, and was always willing to share his knowledge. I can't count the number of times he said "it's on the damned wiki, just go look it up" when I asked him something.

I've lost count on the number of people who've left my group since I joined (pretty slick that I now call it my group, huh?). I use deoderant, I bathe, I dress reasonably well; I wonder what it might be. It's not you, it's me, really.

On the one hand, this mass exodus is pretty cool - it means I'm one of the most senior people in my group, which is cool. But on the other hand, it also means that people come to me looking for information that I don't necessarily have. Maybe I'll practice saying "it's on the damned wiki, just go look it up."


At 12:07 PM, Blogger Tom said...

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