It's Da-a-a-avid Litterman!
I was driving home from work this evening, and pulled up to a stoplight next to a beater car (1980-something Ford Escort), and watched the driver non-chalantly toss his cigarette out the window onto the road - holy crap - the nerve! Did you think no one would notice? No, you probably just didn't care?
But wait, it gets better. I guess the driver was something of a chain smoker, because no sooner had he tossed that cigarette, than he reached for another one from the pack (Marlboro Lights, of all things!) sitting on his dash. Wouldn't you know it, it was empty. Oh well, no cigarette for you. But out the empty pack goes, into traffic. Dude, are you wasted - you can't do that!
Or so I thought - it turns out, he can. I called the San Jose Police to report him (I'm like that) and they said that unless he was littering in the presence of a police officer (my being "the seat police" doesn't count), then there's nothing they can do about it.
Had he been on the freeway, the California Highway Patrol could have written him a letter. But that's sort of a catch 22 - I'm pretty sure his car can't get up to freeway speeds.
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