R E S P E C T!
I was listening to NPR this morning - they had live coverage of the president's press conference on the state of affairs in Iraq. It wasn't much different than others. The president talked, the reporters listened, then the reporters asked pointed questions, and the president gave vague statements that typically didn't correspond to the questions asked.
But I noticed something as the president spoke. He kept refering to General Petraeus as "David." Sure, it's his first name, but that still seems wrong to me. Shouldn't he have been "General Petraeus?" He is, after all, a General. You know, show a little respect; don't be dis'n the General.
I was also wondering if maybe General Petraeus (that's just such a cool last name!) wasn't the guy the President wanted to lead our forces in Iraq. Maybe selecting him was an accident and the President was thinking that he was actually selecting Peter Petrelli from Heroes and got confused - you know, "save the cheerleader, save the world, and save my legacy."